Community Groups are at the very fabric of how we worship and grow at Carpenter's Way.
We believe life happens better when lived together with other folks walking towards Jesus. Every exhausted mom is better when growing together with other moms. Every single dad is better when growing together with other dads. Every young adult is better when growing with other folks trying to look more like Jesus.
You get the picture… you weren’t meant to do life alone so Community Groups help solve for that.
A Community Group is a small group of adults that meet regularly throughout the Mid County area in homes, coffee shops, businesses, and just about anywhere a group of people can fit. These are groups of men and women committed to doing life together - the pretty parts of life and the ugly parts of life.
Each group meets for a specific length of time, will often have a meal, will definitely be a place where conversations are vibrant, and folks can share both prayers and ministry together.
Each Community Group Leader identifies what their group will study before a session starts.
Some groups will go through a book together while others will go through a video series together. Still others may form a discussion group based on Sunday messages.
While each group tackles this a little differently, the goal is to create a safe space to wrestle with hard topics, ask any questions that come to mind, encourage one another to deeper understandings of the love and work of God, and to apply God’s truth to the real parts of life.
We want Community Groups to be a place you can focus and be fully engaged without the added pressure of supervising your little ones. For all Community Groups that meet on Wednesday nights during the semesters described below, we have the perfect place for your child of any age to plug in.
Preschoolers, children, and teenagers all meet at Carpenter's Way on Wednesday nights for ministries that are perfectly designed to help them learn and grow in the Lord. For groups that meet at different times, we encourage those attending to arrange for appropriate childcare for their children.
A Community Group does not have a specific schedule that is required. We want to enable groups to meet at times and in places that meet the needs of the individual group.
Each Community Group Leader decides what schedule fits their group and the schedule will be announced along with the description of the group so you will know what to expect.
However, there is a generalized tempo of meeting times that have been used:
Community Groups can meet any time that works for their group, but those that are on Wednesday nights in the sessions listed above usually meet from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. If parents are utilizing the preschool and children’s ministries on those Wednesday nights, we ask that drop off be no earlier than 5:45pm and pick up no later than 7:30pm.
Don’t stress over it though because your Community Group Leader will end the group with enough time to drive back to Carpenter's Way.
Sweet! You’re ready to do life together with other people that also want to learn and grow. We’re here to help you find your next group.
There are two ways you can take the next step.
You can check the list of current groups. You can look over the group, see what they’re studying, find out who is leading it, and check the general location to make sure it’s in an area that you can get to after work. If you find a group that you like, just click the register button to let them know you’re coming and someone will get in touch with you shortly.
The second way is for people that don’t really know which group they want. Maybe you have a question that wasn’t answered here or you have a special circumstance you would like to discuss. Just give us a call or email and we would love to talk through it. Maybe we can help you find the best group for you.